Friday, 25 January 2013

Lies By The Far-Left Laid To Rest

Lies of the Communists and Anarchists laid to rest

A lot of lies were constructed by the internet warriors who tried to destroy Balefire along with Infa Riot.

1) Pete Roper a known Nazi!

Well as I have already explained my politics in a previous blog I feel no need to keep on defending myself, all those that know me know the truth, but I will say that if I was a prominent member of Blood & Honour or any other far-right group the left-wing would have a detailed dossier of me with hundreds of pictures of me doing the perfunctory Nazi salute for the camera.  They have none, not one, because they do not exist!

So with that information the whole basis of their attack becomes unfounded and ludicrous and falls flat on it's arse.

2)  Why did the far-left demonise Pete as a Nazi?

My only crime is to be a founder member of patriotic skinhead band Retaliator a band the far-left hate and despise because we point blank REFUSE to tow their politically correct line!  They tried to destroy us for sixteen years and failed.  They could not touch us, yeah they got the odd gig pulled over the years but that only added to our notoriety which skinheads like so ultimately it worked in our favour, ie: there's no such thing as bad publicity.  A certain fat useless geordie has been seen to froth at the mouth at the very mention of the name Retaliator.

3)  Why attack Balefire?

Because Balefire was a far softer target than Retaliator for the far-left, they could hurt Balefire because Balefire was new and vulnerable and they thought they could hurt the friendship between myself and Barry, but they were wrong.  They figured that me and Barry hadn't known each other very long and that consequently Barry would know little about me, so when they pandered the lie I was a Nazi Barry would run a mile.  I think also what they heard in Balefire frightened them because Balefire music is fucking good and more accessible to punks and skins alike!  Balefire is a post-punk rock band with the potential to do really well.  They so badly wanted us to be shit but we were not, far from it, in one of their vile attacks on one of their dodgy anarchist forums they even begrudgingly admitted as much!  They thought they could get at me, hurt me through Balefire and Barry so they went for it in a cruel and vicious way not caring about the truth or who they hurt.  They are like spoilt children!  Barry knew damned well I was no Nazi and all he and Infa Riot had to do to get through the shit storm was to stand firm and stand together, they nearly crumbled because they were newly reformed after so many years, their friendships beginning all over again so they were desperately vulnerable to attack and they very nearly imploded but for Lee Wilson right at the darkest hour seeing the light and realising that all that really mattered was his friendship with Barry, a friendship that goes back over thirty years.  He made a decision to stand by Barry and believe that what Barry was telling him was the truth (because it was).  Infa Riot have blossomed since then and have already played all over the world to packed houses everywhere, the far-left tried to prevent that for their own twisted gains, but they failed.  I have kept a respectful distance from Infa Riot and their success which hurts a bit, I feel like some kind of pariah, but I'm tough enough to not let it bother me, I helped Infa Riot through their troubles every step of the way, working my arse off for them as others around them melted away, I did this for Barry, my mate.  I've even helped them out with their bass-player recruitment problems without a single word of thanks from Infa Riot.

4) Why did Balefire release their cd with MFS

When 'On The Road To Redemption' was completed we punted it around every damned label in Europe and the states.  Not a single label showed any interest, some didn't even bother to reply.  Time went by and it started to look like all our hard work would go to waste.  I'd told Barry labels would tear our arms off on the strength of Barry from Infa Riot being in the band.  I knew there was a big demand for Infa Riot to reform so I figured they'd want this, the next best thing.  I was wrong.

Then Jonesy contacted us and said he loved it and would like to release it.  Now for those that don't know who Jonesy is, he's a well known character in the skinhead scene who for many years was a prominent member of Blood & Honour but has turned his back on it.  He'd started a non-political band and label and was perusing a different path.  He told us his label would remain non-political and was just a music label for bands he liked.  So we decided to go with it and get our album heard.  He has been good to his word, but of course the far-left see MFS as a far-right label so in their blinkered eyes Balefire signed for a far-right label.

5)  That notorious interview

The only interview Balefire ever did was in fact done by me without Barry's input for a Czech Oi! website by a skinhead (Peddy) in a non-political Oi! band (Disdainful).  The far-left of course claimed predictably the site was a far-right site.  In the interview I have a dig of the then Labour government's open-door immigration policy, bemoaning the fact that foreign undesirables were free to come and go as they pleased such as drug dealers, murderers, rapists and war-criminals, but of course the far-left announced to the internet world that I'd had labelled all immigrants as scum!  So yet another predictable distortion of the truth.

6)  So what did the far-left achieve by their actions?

Not a lot really.  They lost a few friends from their own camp as even some of their mates realised that attacking Balefire and Infa Riot was unfounded and just plain wrong!  A laughing stock springs to mind.

Balefire remains to bit an enigma though, the Facebook page still has only around 150 likes yet the cd has achieved healthy world-wide sales.  I suppose some of the shit has stuck as shit will, but it's a shame as Balefire deserves better, I am very proud of Balefire and the far-left and people's indifference will never change my feelings on that.  

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